Take a selfie

Get an autograph

Earn rewards

Where Fans and Celebrities connect to
create a lifetime of memories.
Selfie.live: where fans meet their stars

Everybody has a favorite star, whether it's a musician, athlete, actor, comedian, or political powerhouse. We love to attend their games, concerts, and events.

You take selfies and our stars make them into incredible memories. Post to social media, save to your personal album, or trade them through an NFT Exchange. Whatever you do, the experience is yours for a lifetime.

App For Fans
App For Celebrities and Ambassadors
SFREWARD TOKENS – Loyalty and Referral Program
At Selfie.Live, we are built for Web3. Our tokenized rewards program will have many aspects including:
  • Earning SFREWARDs tokens for downloading and using the mobile apps.
  • Referring new users.
  • Social media posts.
  • Subscribing to other products like domain names and NFT storage.
Go to our Rewards Programpage for more information and start earning now.
Get SFLIVE Tokens
SFLIVE Tokens are tradeable tokens that will be on CEXs and DEXs once the token sales are complete. Sign up here for up to date information on the sale.
Exchange Rewards
Tokens for SFLIVE Tokens
Use Token with Liquid
Stake Tokens for
Donate Tokens
to Charity
Stake Tokens
for Governance
Celebrity. Fans. Nothing in between
The Selfie.Live Mission
For Yourself, For Your Family, For Your Friends
Give and You Shall Receive
Personalize An Experience that Matters
The Art of Selfie Expression
Click Photo
Take a photo of you at a live event or doing something you would want signed by the celebrity.
Submit Photo
Submit the photo to your favorite celebrity for a chance to win a personalized NFT photo
Get Nft
Receive your Selfie.Live NFT!
Become an Ambassador and Multiply Your Rewards
Ambassadors are celebrities in their own  right. You can be part of the signing elite by having your friends sign up and send you a selfie to sign. It adds up to big bonuses in rewards tokens that may be later turned into SFLIVE tokens.
Find out how to be an Ambassador by filling out the Celebrity Connect form.

You didn’t become a celebrity without having a tight schedule and long hours. We understand this and want to make your life easy. Your fans want to engage with you and we are making it easy for them to get into crypto in a way that won’t make you look bad and will keep your image safe.

As a Celebrity, you can give signed selfies away to your fans for free or offer a paid version. Earn while you sign and make a fan's day!

This is how a celebrity works with us
Select Number
Pick the number of autographs you are comfortable with signing.
Choose Price
We give you a range. Contact us for custom pricing.
Receive Photos
Choose the price you want to charge to guarantee a signed selfie.
Sign & Relax
From the comfort of your bus or jet you just sign your fans photos by using an iPad or Android Tablet with a digital pencil
Our Icons
See a Selection of Our Stars and Selfies They Have Signed
Fan Moment
Captured the euphoria, shared the thrill, a fan moment video
Get in touch
Reach out, and let's create a universe of fans together!
Celebrities, let’s connect for your Fans
Contact us and we will show you how to drive fan engagement and make revenue that you can share with charities or capture for your own use
Join our mailing list and hear about new deals, celebrities and other news
App For Fans
App For Celebrities and Ambassadors
Copyright @Selfie.Live 2024